Friday, March 22, 2013

Superheroes and General Debauchery.

Kay, so. You know when you've got a friend, and they're awesome and brave and just smart? And then they're the biggest idiot you've ever seen?
Yeah, I know that feel.
Look, we all want to help our friends. When they're sad, or pissed, or too sick to even insult us properly, we wanna help. News flash guys, if you don't have this big mamma bear instinct to aid your companions when they need it, you're a shit pal.
Anyway, we can try to help, and sometimes its good enough, and sometimes its not. And you don't have to flip all kinds of shit over it either. If your friends stupid enough to think they can "handle their own shit" and don't need your help, don't freak out. It's a matter of trust and pride. And stupid. Mostly stupid.
Then there are the times when they tell you to stay put of it, and you're all " Pfft, bitch please. I am all over this." And you end up fucking everything up. Yeah, at those points, its better for you to just call quits and write a nice apology text, cuz that ones on you, not them.
The point is, we can't all be fix-it friends. Sometimes, listening has to be good enough. Or provide a nice diversion. Make that Bitch laugh. Really loudly, with that embarrassing laugh they hate letting go. The kind with the snorting and the wheezing. It's the best diversion ever, just discussing that horrible laugh.
So the next time you wanna go out of your way to fix someone else's trainwreck, stop for a fucking minute and just think over whether you'll actually be doing any good. Mmk?
On a different note: CLICHE ALERT.
If you could have any superpower, or be any superhero, what would you be. Go ahead, post a superhero OC bio. I know you have one. I can tell.
I'm psychic, its not

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Kay, for comments:
I finally found the button thingey that lets anyone comment, so lemme feel your hate, anons of the world. That being said, I don't mind someone who likes to have a good argument, but for trolling's sake, can I just fucking BEG that you guys dont troll each other's opinions into the fucking abyss on MY page. Pause your flirting for long enough to swap chumhandles or whatever and continue it somewhere lese. I say this to preserve my head and the sanity of the other maniacs that lurk around here.
Seriously, don't give them any ideas.